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This Product Directory shows a complete listing of all products featured on Boosey.com.

To search for specific products, please use the "Search Shop" facility which can be found at the top of this page.

3 Chansons de fous - light baritone (or tenor) & piano $10.16
3 Chansons de supervielle - medium voice & piano $7.49
3 Pièces - flute solo $8.26
3 Poèmes de Paul Valéry - voice & piano $7.49
3 Poèmes intimes (Traute Gesänge) - high voice & piano $7.49
3 Traute Gesange, '3 Poèmes intimes' (vocal score) $7.49
5 Poèmes de Paul-Jean Toulet - voice & piano $8.26


Amazones - female choir $4.45
Au Parc Monceau - orchestra (score) $16.51
Autour de F. Schmitt  $15.88
Aviatrices - female choir $5.08
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Chirurgie (libretto) $5.08
Chirurgie (vocal score) $24.00
Chirurgie (vocal score) (fr/de) $24.00
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Fables - piano $15.88
Foules - piano 4-hands $16.51
Foules (pocket score) $15.88
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Nonchalente - piano $5.40
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Odile - baritone (or tenor) & piano $5.08
Oisives - female choir $4.45
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Prélude & Forlane - piano $5.08
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Sérénade - orchestra (pocket score) $7.49
Sérénade - piano 4-hands $8.70
Sollicitude - baritone (or tenor) & piano $5.08
Sonata in A - cello & piano $21.59
Sonata in F - violin & piano $24.00
Sonatine in C# - piano $8.26
String Quartet in C (pocket score) $10.16
String Quartet in C (set of parts) $24.00
Symphony in A - piano 4-hands $24.00
Symphony in A (pocket score) $18.42
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Théo - baritone (or tenor) & piano $5.08
Trio in E - oboe, clarinet & bassoon (pocket score) $8.26
Trio in E - oboe, clarinet & bassoon (set of parts) $11.30
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